10 Toilet Taboos: What NEVER to Flush (and Why!)

Ah, the toilet. Civilization’s unsung hero. And alongside this porcelain champion of hygiene stands its trusty partner in crime-fighting: the trash can. Together, they form the dynamic duo that keeps our lives clean and comfortable. But the line between what belongs in one and the other can get a little fuzzy sometimes. That’s where we come in!

Here’s a list of 10 surprising things you should NEVER flush down the toilet (and the much better ways to dispose of them):

#1 Dental Floss

It’s not biodegradable, and imagine a monster floss glob clogging your pipes! Toss it, not send it swirling.

#2 Grease, Oil & Fat

They solidify, shrinking your pipes like clogged arteries. Pour into sealed bags, not sewage systems.

#3 Bandages

Plastic ones clog, cloth ones tangle. Both belong in the bin, not your plumbing nightmare.

#4 Medication & Drugs

Drugs contaminate water supplies. Dispose of them safely at pharmacies, not down the drain.

#5 Disposable / Flushable Wipes

Don’t trust the label! Even “safe” wipes clog pipes. Toss them, not your toilet dreams.

#6 Tampons & Pads

They expand, blocking sewage systems. Wrap with care, then trash, not flush.

#7 Paper Towel

Thick and sturdy, they’re toilet-clogging culprits. Stick to toilet paper, your pipes will thank you.

#8 Condoms

Avoid messy mishaps! Wrap and toss, leaving pipes (and yourself) drama-free.


It forms odor-trapping balls, clogging everything. Throw it in the trash, or better yet, compost it!

#10 Kitty Litter

Give your furry friend their own “throne.” Trash, compost, or recycle their waste, not flush it away.

Basically, three things can be flushed down the toilet—number ones, number twos, number threes? (vomit) and toilet paper. Please don’t risk it because plumber calls are AWKWARD TIMES. And, they usually happen at the most embarrassing and inconvenient times to boot.

Please give us a call if we can help with any of your drain cleaning needs. (925) 944-1441. You can also book your appointment here!